柏克萊大飯店(中正店)Berkeley Hotel (Downtown location)3

中正店 (Downtown location)

竹科拜訪客戶請選新竹柏克萊大飯店,線上訂房輕鬆成行~ 2016年6月完工  全新裝潢 熱情款待!


Need to stay in Taiwan Hsinchu?   please choose Hsinchu Berkeley Hotel, online booking easily ~ ~ Aug. 2016 completed a new renovation of its rooms,  warm hospitality!


 Stay in Hsinchu Berkeley Hotel, you can use the most relaxed way to tour Hsinchu city, enjoy sightseeing the Hsinchu City God Temple, try the traditional Chinese Night Market snacks, to visit Hsinchu City Center, Hsinchu Berkeley Hotel provides good business hotel services and economic prices for casual travellers , But you can enjoy the convenience of the downtown attactions and rich tourism resources at the same time. In addition, Berkeley Hotel locates in the excellent geographical location of Hsinchu City, whether to Hsinchu Science Park or National Chiao Tung University is also very convenient within 10 min. car ride. We recommend that when you travel to Hsinchu next time, come stay in a Berkeley Hotel and enjoy the fine hospitality of the city together.

Ø  位於新竹市最繁華的商業中心,可步行至新竹火車站、新竹火車站、太平洋SOGO百貨、古蹟東門城及新竹市政府。

Ø  新竹柏克萊大飯店住宿安全,交通便捷,停車方便溫馨典雅,是您洽商、購物、公務考察、古蹟攬勝、觀光旅遊之最佳休憩場所。

Ø  住宿享受多元便利的商務服務。首創INTERNET網際網路資訊服務,通過國家最新消防法規檢查;並提供保險箱、直撥電話、傳真、影印、機場接送等;另備有免費停車場,讓您獨擁專屬車位。柏克萊貼心的為您設想週到,讓您掌握商場致勝先機。

Ø  國際五星級的高級傢俱,設有豪華單人房、雙人床、商務套房、BB大套房等。室內裝潢溫馨典雅,電視、冰箱、三段式蓮蓬頭衛浴設備,讓您在洽商旅遊也可享受回家般的舒適便利感。

Ø  新竹柏克萊商務套房附設專屬傳真機及手提電腦插座,免費使用網路設備,即可遨遊網際網路,旅客亦可藉由上網免費打國際長路電話,讓您享有更便利及人性化的服務。

Ø  All guest rooms and suites are generously proportioned and equipped with up-to-the-minute technology, including broadband and wireless Internet connections, an in-room voice mail system and a 106-centimetre (32-inch) LCD television, as well as an in-room safe and a private bar. The comfortable marble bathroom features a double vanity, a separate walk-in rain shower, and a deep soaking tub with LCD television. Suites offer in-room tea- and coffee-making facilities and a fax machine. 

